DOL 27 Capacitive Proximity Sensor

DOL 27 is a 30 mm capacitive proximity sensor designed for detecting loose and solid materials. LED lights indicate the status of the sensors.

DOL 27 comes in an iDOL version with NFC for sensor adjustment via the SmartAdjust App.


  • Hardened design for harsh environment
  • Immune to EMI, short circuits, and any overload
  • Low power consumption in off state
  • SCR, PNP or NPN output for different needs
  • Threaded or smooth surface
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Better Animal Welfare
Short Circuit Protection
Withstands High Pressure Cleaning
Save Money
Compatible With All Types of Controllers
Increased Production
Better FCR
Accurate Measurements
Easy Mounting
Well Tested
Low Maintenance
Well-suited for Livestock Facilities
Save Energy
Long Lifetime
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DOL 27 is a 30 mm capacitive proximity sensor designed for detecting loose and solid materials. The sensor has highly unique functionalities for the agricultural and industrial industry. LED lights indicate the status of the sensors.

No more burned off sensors due to installation mistakes

The DOL 27 sensor is immune to EMI, short circuits, and any overload which prevents sensors from burning off due to installation mistakes.

The sensor has IP69k and NEMA 1/3/4/6/12/13 environment protection.

Very low power consumption in off state

The sensor has very low power consumption in off state, enabling the possibility for sensors working in parallel on the same contactor. This gives the sensors a unique possibility for controlling cross auger systems.

Different versions for different needs

At dol-sensors we strive to make the best solution for our customers, who have very different needs. Thus, our sensors are all available in different versions and can be tailored to every specific need.

Easily adjusted

The ON and/or OFF delay, MaxRunTimer, Make / Break contact, and sensitivity of the sensor can be fixed or adjusted using a trimmer or the SmartAdjust App to suit different motor control units.

DOL 27 has easy trimmer adjustment on a single turn 240 degree trimmer with linear or non-linear scale.

The iDOL 27 has easy adjustment by using the SmartAdjust App.

For all iDOL products, download the programming SmartAdjust App from Google App Store.  Simply by searching for SmartAdjust or scanning the QR code on the product.

Easily mounted

Like all our 30 mm sensors, DOL 27 and iDOL 27 can be easily mounted from the outside of a silo by using the gland we made for mounting.  All you must do is mount the gland on the outside surface of the silo and mount the sensor to it. For silos made of metal or thick material, you will have to drill a small hole in it for the sensor to work.

Read more about dol-sensors’ capacitive proximity sensors here

DOL 27 Variants

Smooth and threaded housing

DOL 27 comes with threaded housing as SCR sensors with 20-280V AC/DC voltage and as PNP or NPN sensors with 10-36 V DC voltage.

DOL 27 also comes in an iDOL version with NFC. The NFC versions can be adjusted with the SmartAdjust App. The app makes it possible to do more with one sensor. For example, you can configure your iDOL sensors to have on/off delay and Max Run Timer at the same time. It is possible to copy settings to multiple sensors allowing you to preconfigure sensors with same settings before installation.

iDOL 27 comes with smooth or threaded housing as NPN or PNP sensor with 10-36 V DC voltage and with smooth housing as SCR sensor with 20-280V AC/DC voltage.

Didn’t find the sensor you need?

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